Spanish 3 Review

Lesson 2

(meaning: was/were)
(meaning: was/were)
Él/ella/usted ERAFUE
Ellos/ellas/ustedes ERANFUERON
(meaning: was/were)
(meaning: was/were)
Él/ella/usted ESTABAESTUVO
Ellos/ellas/ustedes ESTABANESTUVIERON
English SentenceEnglish VerbAnswer Key
She WAS a very good-looking womanwasERA
The soccer player WAS very goodwasERA
He WAS depressedwasESTABA
WERE they here at 3:00?wereESTUVIERON
Laura WAS president for five yearswasFUE
Es SpanishBecomesERA Spanish
Es necesariobecomesERA necesario
Es importantebecomesERA importante
Es fácilbecomesERA fácil
Es difícilbecomesERA difícil
Es posiblebecomesERA posible
Es imposiblebecomesERA imposible

Lesson 3

aburridoto be boringaburridoto be bored
listoto be cleverlistoto be ready
viejoto be oldviejoto look old
seguroto be safeseguroto be certain
orgullosoto be conceitedorgullosoto be proud
ricoto be richricoto be tasty
pálidoto be palepálidoto look pale
bonitoto be prettybonitoto look pretty
I’m bored.Estoy aburrido.
She’s bored.Está aburrida.
The book is boring.El libro es aburrido.
Is it boring?¿Es aburrido?
We were bored.ESTÁBAMOS aburridos.
We were bored yesterday.ESTUVIMOS aburridos ayer.
Hazlo.Do it.
Hazlo con el martillo.Do it with the hammer.
Hazlo con la escoba.Do it with the broom.
Hazlo con la toalla.Do it with the towel.
Hazlo con éste. Do it with this one. )
Then, let’s go!Entonces, ¡vámonos!
Then, do it!Entonces, ¡hazlo!
Then, who knows?Entonces, ¿quién sabe?

La señora Flores puede comprar el regalo; además , ella es muy rica.
Mrs. Flores can buy the gift; besides , she is very rich.
De todos modosAnyway
Sin embargoNevertheless
No obstanteNevertheless
Al contrarioTo the contrary
O seaIn other words
A pesar deIn spite of

Sin embargo, ella y yo ESTUVIMOS trabajando ayer.

Sin embargo, yo ESTABA aquí.

No obstante, HUBO un accidente.

Sin embargo, ERA difícil hablar con mi patrona.

No obstante, ERA la una y media cuando . . .

Sin embargo, ¿Quieres ir con nosotros el jueves?

No obstante, el trabajo FUE terrible.

En la cueva todo ESTABA oscuro y HABÍA una calma completa, o sea ERA casi imposible ver mucho.In the cave, all was dark and there was a complete calm, in other words, it was almost impossible to see much.
Although they went to workAunque FUERON a trabajar

Lesson 4

aburrido = to be boringaburrido = to be bored
viejo = to be oldviejo = to look old
orgulloso = to be conceitedorgulloso = to be proud
pálido = to be palepálido = to look pale
listo = to be cleverlisto = to be ready
seguro = to be safeseguro = to be certain
rico = to be richrico = to be tasty
bonito = to be prettybonito = to look pretty
Le agradezco su amabilidadI appreciate your kindness.
Te agradezco tu ayuda.I thank you for your help.
Gracias por su amabilidad.Thanks for your kindness.
Gracias por tu ayuda.Thanks for your help.
es necesarioit’s necessary
es importanteit’s important
es posibleit’s possible
es imposibleit’s impossible
es fácilit’s easy
es difícilit’s difficult
me gustaríaI would like
quieroI want
quierehe/she/it/you want
puedoI can
tengo queI must
tiene quehe/she/it/you must
favor deplease
acabo deI have just
FUI aI went to
FUE ahe/she/it/you went to
voy aI’m going to
va ahe/she/it/you are going to
piensoI plan
I know how
antes debefore
después deafter
estoy paraI’m about
parain order
Was it difficult to learn Spanish when you went to study in Cuernavaca?¿ERA difícil aprender español cuando FUE a estudiar en Cuernavaca?

I would like to improve.

Me gustaría mejorar.

I plan to arrive Monday.

Pienso llegar el lunes.

I know how to do it.

Sé hacerlo.

It was necessary to go.

ERA necesario ir.

Please help me.

Favor de ayudarme.

Before calling us . . .

Antes de llamarnos . . .

I’m ready, are you ready?Estoy lista, ¿Estás listo?
He’s always bored.Él está aburrido siempre.
I wasn’t bored yesterday.Yo no ESTUVE aburrido ayer.
The dessert is very tasty.El postre está muy rico.
The novel was very boring.La novela ERA muy aburrida
He has to give me it.Tiene que dármelo.
They had to help us.TENÍAN que ayudarnos.
We had to do it.TENÍAMOS que hacerlo.
She had the money last night.Ella TUVO el dinero anoche.
She had the money.Ella TENÍA el dinero.
Tener prisato be in a hurry
Tener razónto be correct
Tener calorto be hot
Tener fríoto be cold
Tener hambreto be hungry
Tener sedto be thirsty
Tener . . . añosto be . . . old
(meaning: had)
(meaning: had/received)
El,ella,usted TENÍATUVO
Ellos,ellas,ustedes TENÍANTUVIERON

Lesson 5

Yo lo TUVE.I received it.
¿Lo TUVISTE?Did you receive it?
(meaning: wanted)
(meaning: tried)
El,ella,usted QUERÍAQUISO
Ellos,ellas,ustedes QUERÍANQUISIERON
QUERÍA ir.I wanted to go.
QUERÍA ir a las tres.I wanted to go at 3:00.
QUERÍA el agua sin hielo.She wanted the water without ice.
QUERÍAMOS la oportunidad.We wanted the opportunity.
QUISE ir.I tried to go.
QUISE ir a las tres.I tried to go at 3:00.
QUISO vaciar el agua.She tried to empty the water.
QUISIMOS medirlo.We tried to measure it.
Me gusta el viaje.The trip is pleasing to me.
Me gustan las playas.The beaches are pleasing to me.
Nos gusta su familia.Your family is pleasing to us.
Te gusta estudiar.Studying is pleasing to you.
¿Le gusta la propuesta?Is the proposal pleasing to you?
Indirect Object PronounImperfectPreterit
singular vs plural subject adds the -n
We were bored last night; we didn’t like the movie.ESTUVIMOS aburridos anoche; no nos GUSTÓ la película.
movie is singular
Me GUSTABA la película.I used to like the movie.
Me GUSTABAN los colores.I used to like the colors.
Me GUSTABA Puerto Rico.I used to like Puerto Rico.
colors is plural
Did you all like the food last night?¿Les GUSTÓ la comida anoche?
indirect plural – you all – les

Imperfect (ir)
(meaning: was going/used to go)
Preterit (ir)
(meaning: went)
El, ella, usted IBAFUE
Ellos, ellas, ustedes IBANFUERON
I used to go everyday.Yo IBA todos los días.
We used to go Mondays.Nosotros ÍBAMOS los lunes.
They used to go study.Ellos IBAN a estudiar.
She used to go to Mexico.Ella IBA a México.
I was going when . . .Yo IBA cuando . . .
Were you going?¿IBAS?
I went to the beach.Yo FUI a la playa.
Did you go yesterday?¿FUISTE ayer?
We went to speak with him.FUIMOS a hablar con él.
When did he go?¿Cuándo FUE?

Lesson 6

Conjugation of HABLAR – imperfect
(meaning, used to speak/was speaking)
El, ella, usted HABLABA
Ellos, ellas, ustedes HABLABAN
I was speaking with Juanita.Yo HABLABA con Juanita.
I used to speak Spanish.Yo HABLABA español.
What was happening?¿Qué PASABA?
What were they looking for?¿Qué BUSCABAN?
hablarWe were speaking with Rafael.HABLÁBAMOS con Rafael.
darI was giving him the pills.Le DABA las pastillas.
fregarWe were scrubbing the floor.FREGÁBAMOS el piso.
trabajarThey were working.TRABAJABAN.
pasar la aspiradoraWas he vacuuming?¿PASABA la aspiradora?
sollozarThe young boy was sobbing.El muchacho SOLLOZABA.
COMÍA – Imperfect
(used to eat/was eating)
VIVÍA – Imperfect
(used to live/was living)
El, ella, usted COMÍAVIVÍA
Ellos, ellas, ustedes COMÍANVIVÍAN
Ir (used to go)Ser (was/were)Ver (used to see)
El, ella, usted IBAERAVEÍA
Ellos, ellas, ustedes IBANERANVEÍAN
imperfect past
When I was young, I used to see lots of movies.Cuando ERA joven, VEÍA muchas películas.
The child used to sleep 10 hours every day.dormirLa niña/El niño DORMÍA diez horas todos los días.
I always used to begin at 3:00.empezarYo siempre EMPEZABA a las tres.
We were finding lots of errors.encontrarECONTRÁBAMOS muchos errores.
They would swim every Tuesday.nadarNADABAN cada martes.
I would play soccer from time to time.jugarJUGABA el fútbol de vez en cuando.
What were you (tú) planning to do with the money?pensar¿Qué PENSABAS hacer con el dinero?
Why were you (usted) saving your money?ahorrarYo LEÍA muchas novelas también.
I used to read a lot of novels also.leer¿Por qúe AHORRABA su dinero?
I was sharing the dessert with him.compartirYo COMPARTÍA el postre con él.
I plan to go.Pienso ir.
I plan to speak with her.Pienso hablar con ella.
I was planning to leave.PENSABA salir.

Lesson 7

HABLÓ-preterit past
(meaning: spoke)
COMIÓ-preterit past
(meaning: ate)
Él, ella, usted HABLÓCOMIÓ
Ellos, ellas, ustedes HABLARONCOMIERON
buscarYo busquéI looked for.
sacarYo saquéI took out.
tocarYo toquéI touched/played.
explicarYo expliquéI explained.
practicarYo practiquéI practiced.
Imperfect / PreteritEnglishSpanish
ImperfectI used to go eat over there.IBA a comer allí.
PreteritI went to go eat over there.FUI a comer allí.
ImperfectI was planning to work.PENSABA trabajar.
PreteritI planned to work.PENSÉ trabajar.
ImperfectShe wanted to read it.Ella QUERÍA leerlo.
PreteritShe tried to read it.Ella QUISO leerlo.
ImperfectThey were here.ESTABAN aquí.
PreteritThey were here at 2:00.ESTUVIERON aquí a las dos.
ImperfectHe was handsome.ERA guapo.
PreteritHe was captain yesterday.FUE capitán ayer.
ImperfectWe had the stamps.TENÍAMOS los sellos.
PreteritShe had the money yesterday.TUVO el dinero ayer.
ImperfectI wanted the best price.QUERÍA el mejor precio.
PreteritI tried to see.QUISE ver.
ImperfectI used to like the beach.Me GUSTABA la playa.
PreteritI liked the beach.Me GUSTÓ la playa.
ImperfectWere you working?¿TRABAJABAS?
PreteritDid you work?¿TRABAJASTE?
ImperfectI used to run.CORRÍA.
PreteritI ran.CORRÍ.
Did you already speak . . . ?¿Ya HABLÓ . . . ?
Did you already order . . . ?¿Ya ORDENÓ . . . ?
Did you already speak . . . ?¿Ya HABLASTE . . . ?
Did you already order . . . ?¿Ya ORDENASTE . . . ?
Did you already buy . . . ?¿Ya COMPRASTE . . . ?
Dar (to give)Hacer (to do/to make)Decir (to tell)
Él,ella,usted DIOHIZODIJO

 we first talked about la and lo , meaning it .

I want to buy it.Quiero comprarla.
I want to drive them.Quiero manejarlos.
los for them
He gave us . . .Él nos DIO . . .
I already did it . . .Ya lo HICE . . .
Did you do it . . . ?(formal)¿Lo HIZO . . . ?
You told us that . . .(familiar)Nos DIJISTE que . . .

Lesson 8

La gente LLEGÓ.The people arrived.
LLEGÓ la gente.The people arrived.
Are there differences between the two sentences in Spanish? Well, they both mean the same, but the difference is that the first sentence will direct the listener to focus more on the people than the arrival . The second sentence, on the other hand, is intended to direct the listener to the arrival .
Yo LEÍ lo que LEÍA Gloria.I read what Gloria was reading.
Aprende inglés.He, she, it, you learn English.
He, she, it, you are learning English.
He, she, it, you will learn English.
Learn English.
Recipe 8 = many tenses
cErrarto close
nEvarto snow
hElarto freeze
confEsarto confess
recomEndarto recommend
pErderto lose
entEnderto understand
defEnderto defend
extEnderto extend
prefErirto prefer
convErtirto convert
sEntirto regret
E -> ie
cOstarto cost
almOrzarto eat lunch
encOntrarto find
mOstrarto show
vOlarto fly
devOlverto return (something)
llOverto rain
pOderto be able
dOrmirto sleep
o -> ue
¡Dámelo!Give me it!
Ponlo en la cocina.Put it in the kitchen.
Dímelo.Tell me it.
Ven acá.Come here.

Lesson 8 Chapter 4

Ella quiere quedarse.She wants to stay.
Ellos tienen que casarse.They have to get married.
Do you want to sit down?¿Quiere sentarse?
reflexive verbs
Siéntate.Sit down.
Quédate aquí.Stay here.
Por favor despiértate.Please wake up.
commands with reflexives

Reflexive verbs (formal): What about él, ella, usted and ellos, ellas, ustedes ? You’ll want to use a se with these persons.

I’m moving to San Franciso.Me mudo a San Francisco.
Why are you moving?¿Por qué te mudas?
I’ll stay here.Me quedo aquí.
I’m getting married.Me caso.
We’re getting married.Nos casamos.
Will they get married?¿Se casan?
Is she waking up?¿Se despierta?
They’re approaching the door.Se acercan la puerta.
She takes a shower every day.Se ducha todos los días.
I’m glad to meet you.Me alegro de conocerle.
Let’s now use Recipe 8: The Present Tense and More. Let’s also add four more reflexive verbs— mudarse to move/to change residence ), acercarse ( to approach ), ducharse to take a shower ), and alegrarse de ( to be glad ).
I’m falling asleep.Me duermo.
The girl got lost.La muchacha se PERDIÓ.
Are you enjoying yourself?¿Te diviertes?
I’m enjoying myself a lot.Me divierto mucho.
How do you feel now?¿Cómo se siente ahora?
I don’t feel well.No me siento bien.
She wasn’t feeling well.No se SENTÍA bien.
We fell asleep at 10:00.Nos DORMIMOS a las diez.
They used to enjoy themselves.Se DIVERTÍAN.
Here are four more reflexives: dormirse to fall asleep ), perderse to get lost ), divertirse to enjoy oneself/to have fun ), and sentirse to feel ). Framed up against Recipes 7 and 8, here are some sample sentences using these four reflexives:
At what time did you wake up in the morning?(familiar)¿A qué hora te DESPERTASTE en la mañana?
How do you feel now?(familiar)¿Cómo te sientes ahora?
Please stay here.(familiar)Por favor quédate aquí.
Did you get lost?(familiar)¿Te PERDISTE?
My son got married.Mi hijo se CASÓ.
Please sit down.(familiar)Por favor siéntate.
Did they enjoy themselves?¿Se DIVERTIERON?
I used to wake up early.Me DESPERTABA temprano.
I took a shower.Me DUCHÉ.
Is he approaching?¿Se acerca?
I’m glad to see my grandson.Me alegro de ver a mi nieto.
Marta deposita dinero en el banco.Se deposita dinero en el banco.
Elisa renta la casa.Se renta la casa.
Ana visita la playa.Se visita la playa.
 All you do is remove the subject and replace it with se . Respective -> Passive
John hit the car.The car was hit.
The manager closed the door.The door was closed.
He made many mistakes.Many mistakes were made.
They can visit the museum.The museum can be visited.
RespectivePablo cierra las puertas.Pablo closes the doors.
PassiveSe cierran las puertas.The doors are closed.
RespectiveCompramos libros.We buy books.
PassiveSe compran libros.Books are bought.
RespectiveLa pelota ROMPIÓ la ventana.The ball broke the window.
PassiveSe ROMPIÓ la ventana.The window was broken.
To make a passive sentence, remove the subject and replace it with se . Make sure your new subject and verb are in sync.

Lesson 9

Les gusta la playa.The beach is pleasing to them/you all.
they – les ; the beach – gusta
A Elena la gusta la playa.The beach is pleasing to him/her/you. (to Elena)
la – Elena ; la playa – gusta
Me encanta la playa.I love the beach.
Me encanta su familia.I love your family.
Me ENCANTABA jugar al tenís.I used to love to play tennis.
A mi hermano le encanta tu carro.My brother loves your car.
le – indirect
Me faltan cinco dólares.I’m lacking five dollars.
¿Cuánto te faltan?How much are you lacking?
Les falta un caballo.They need a horse.
les – indirect they
No me importa.It doesn’t matter to me.
importa – present
¿Por qué te importa?Why does it matter to you?
Do you care?(formal)¿Le importa?
Did you care?(familiar)¿Te IMPORTÓ?
I used to love working in the garden.Me ENCANTABA trabajar en el jardín.
I hated what I saw yesterday.Me DISGUSTÓ lo que VI ayer.
I was lacking a car.Me FALTABA un carro.
I love the song.Me encanta la canción.
GustaBA – GUSTÓ . imperfect / preterite
leto him, to her, to youlesto them, to you all
Yo la CONOCÍ.I met her.
Ellos lo VIERON.They saw him.
Ella lo LLAMÓ.She called you.

Lesson 9 Chapter 4

She invited HIM.himlo
I brought HIM the coffee.himle
Do you see how you can say the second sentence as I brought the coffee TO HIM , but you can’t do this with the first sentence- She invited TO HIM .
She showed them the photo.Les MOSTRÓ la foto.
I bought the purse for her.Le COMPRÉ la bolsa.
We called them.Los/Las LLAMAMOS.
She met her yesterday.La CONOCIÓ ayer.
Call him now!¡Llamalo ahora!
I gave you the jacket.Te DI la chaqueta.
They left you the money.Te DEJARON el dinero.
particles without reflexive verbs – the purse to her – le
Mi prima me lo DIO.dioMy cousin gave it to me.
Pancho nos lo compra.Pancho is buying it for us.
Él te la PREPARÓ.preparóHe prepared it for you.
Ella quiere dármela.She wants to give it to me.

Lesson 9 Chapter 5

Mi prima me lo DIO.dioMy cousin gave it to me.
Pancho nos lo compra.Pancho is buying it for us.
Él te la PREPARÓ.preparóHe prepared it for you.
Ella quiere dármela.She wants to give it to me.
 One way to remember this is that the person particle comes before the object particle. 
Ella le da el periódico a Marta.Se lo da.
Se (she) lo (it) da (give).
She is giving it to her.
Voy a mandarles las chaquetas a los estudiantes.Voy a mandárselas.I’m going to send them to them.
La chica le EXPLICABA la situación a Fernando.Se la EXPLICABA.
Se (she)
la (la situación) EXPLICABA (past imperfect).
She was explaining it to him.
In Spanish le and les will have to change to se whenever lo, la, los, las follow. 
Spanish SentenceEnglish equivalentSpanish passiveEnglish equivalent
La vieja vende flores.The old woman sells flowers.Se venden flores.
Se – she
Venden – flowers
Flowers are sold.
Las chicas GANARON el partido.The girls won the game.Se GANÓ el partido.
Se – girls
GANÓ – singular game
The game was won.
Spanish SentenceEnglishSpanish passiveEnglish
¡Dales las revistas a ellos!Give the magazines to them!¡Dáselas!Give them to them!
Yo le DI los sellos a él.I gave the stamps to him.Se los DI.
Se – him
los – los sellos
DI – I gave
I gave them to him.
No me alegro de que . . .I’m not glad that . . .
Siento que . . .I’m sorry that . . .
Me disgusta que . . .I hate that . . .
Quiero que . . .I want that . . .
Espero que . . .I hope that . . .
No estoy contenta que . . .I’m not happy that . . .
Dudo que . . .I doubt that . . .

Lesson 10

Yo hablaría con él.I would speak with him.
Ella comería mañana.She would eat tomorrow.
Viviríamos en Puerto Rico.We would live in Puerto Rico.
Recipe 10: Hablaría – The Would Recipe.
Yo (comprar)Yo compraríaI would buy
La chica (jugar)La chica jugaríaThe girl would play
Ellas (leer)Ellas leeríanThey would read
Nosotros (echar de ver)Nosotros echaríamos de verWe would notice
Tú (vivir)Tú viviríasYou would live
Ella (comunicar)Ella comunicaríaShe would communicate
Usted (ver)Usted veríaYou would see
¿Cuánto costaría el carro nuevo?How much did the new car probably cost?
Yo estaría ocupado cuando LLAMASTE.I was probably busy when you called.
¿A qué hora llegaría ella?At what time did she probably arrive?
Anytime you want to say, I wonder or probably in the past, you’ll want to use Recipe 10
I would go tomorrow, but it’s impossible.Yo iría mañana, pero es imposible.
She probably entered into the house.Ella entraría en la casa.
They probably saw the cookies and took them.Ellos verían las galletas y las LLEVARON.
I would like to live in Spain, but I lack the money.Me gustaría vivir en España, pero me falta el dinero.
It wouldn’t matter to me, because I already have work.No me importaría, porque ya tengo trabajo.
Would you travel to Europe?(familiar)¿Viajarías a Europa?
recipe 10 irregular

Lesson 10 Chapter 4

Yo ayudaréNosotros ayudaremos
Tú ayudarás
Él,ella,usted ayudaráEllos/ellas/ustedes ayudarán
Yo veré a Marta mañana.I will see Marta tomorrow.
¿Hablarás con ella?Will you speak with her?
Comeremos aquí el viernes.We will eat here Friday.
¿A dónde irás?Where will you go?
¿A qué hora te despertarás?At what time will you wake up?
Ellas vivirán en México.They will live in Mexico.
Ella caminará.She will walk.
Yo seré maestra.I will be a teacher.
¿Qué serás?What will you be?
Será la una.It will be 1:00.
Serán las cinco.It will be 5:00.
¿Será Lupe?I wonder if it’s Lupe.
¿Serán ellos?I wonder if it’s them.
¿Qué comprará ella?I wonder what she’s buying.
¿Cuánto costará?I wonder how much it costs.
But Recipe 11 expresses more than the future. It also expresses the conjectural present. While Recipe 10 is used to indicate conjectural past actions, Recipe 11 can describe the conjectural present.
Voy a aprender español.The Magic Circle, Recipe 1
Aprenderé español.Recipe 11
Nos vemos.We’ll see each otherRecipe 8
Nos veremos.We’ll see each otherRecipe 11

Lesson 10 Chapter 5

I would study it.Lo estudiaría.
She would see me.Me vería.
Would you invite her?¿La invitarías?
I would give it to him.Se lo daría.
se lo daria – se/him, lo/it, daria/i would
I wonder if she bought it?¿Lo compraría?
She probably saw me.Me vería.
He was probably here.Estaría aquí.
I wonder if they gave it to him.¿Se lo darían?
Anytime you want to express a probably or I wonder (if) in the past, you’ll attach an -ía to the verb.
I would tell them that it’s impossible to do it.Les diría que es imposible hacerlo.
When they say the same thing again, I’d leave.Cuando dicen la misma cosa otra vez, yo saldría.
I would want to go, because it’s free.Querría ir, porque es gratis.
I would have it, but Alicia took it.Lo tendría, pero Alicia lo LLEVÓ.
I wonder if he wanted it.¿Lo querría?
future – recipe 11
Will you learn it?¿Lo aprenderás?
Will they marry?¿Se casarán?
They’re probably enjoying themselves.Se divertirán.
We’ll do it Thursday.Lo haremos el jueves.
I’ll write to them.Les escribiré.

Lesson 11

Estoy trabajando.– I’m working.
¿Dónde estás viviendo?Where are you living?
Ellos están escapándose.They are running away.
Ella está dándomela.She’s giving me it.
¿Está comiendo?Are you eating?
This Estoy llamando is an example of Recipe 12: . . . Trabajando – Comiendo 

Él estaría caminando.

He would be walking

He probably was walking.

Ella estará caminando.

She will be walking.

She is probably walking.

Yo estaría llegando . . .

Nosotros ESTUVIMOS entrando a las tres . . .

Yo estaré corriendo . . .

Ellos estarían comprando . . .

¿Tú estarías viajando . . . ?

¿Tú estás enamorándote?

Ella estará despertándose.She will be waking up.
Ella se estará despertando.She will be waking up.
¿Por qué está comprándolo?Why are you buying it?
¿Por qué lo está comprando?Why are you buying it?
Here are more examples of Recipe 12 and particle placement. When it comes to the placement of particles, always remember that the indirect object always preceeds the direct object, no matter the recipe. That is to say that people come before objects.

You should have enough knowledge of Recipe 12 now to know how to use hablando and comiendo as templates to convert, say, luchar into luchando vivir into viviendo , and so on. Are there any irregulars? Do these look irregular?

Leer leyendo

Caer cayendo

Traer trayendo

Oír oyendo

Dormir durmiendo

Morir muriendo

Decir diciendo

Convertir convirtiendo

Lesson 11 Chapter 2

Por vs Para
= duration and exchange.
Por = because of, for the sake of, in search of
por also can mean by and through .

para is goal oriented
para – in order, by for deadlines

  1. Voy a llamarte ___por___teléfono.
  2. Le doy cinco dólares ___por___esta cosa.
  3. Yo salgo ___para___Costa Rica la semana próxima.
  4. Estaré en España ___por____ un mes.
  5. Juego al tenís ____por___el ejercicio.
  6. Se TIRÓ la pelota __por____la ventana.

Lesson 11 Chapter 3 (Recipe 13 Haber Hablado – Comido)

These sentences emerge from Recipe 13: . . . Haber Hablado – Comido . The challenge will be using the correct form of haber I have is Yo he You (familiar) have is Tú has He/she/it/you have is Él,ella,usted ha We have is Nosotros hemos They/you all have is Ellos, ellas, ustedes han .

Have/hasHadWould haveWill have
Yo heHABÍAHabríaHabré
Tú hasHABÍASHabríasHabrás
Él, ella, usted haHABÍAHabríaHabrá
Nosotros hemosHABÍAMOSHabríamosHabremos
Ellos, ellas, ustedes hanHABÍANHabríanHabrán

I have worked here for five years.

They have left.

Where have you gone?

She has already eaten today.

We have trained for two months.


He trabajado aquí por cinco años.

Han salido.

¿A dónde has ido?

Ya ha comido hoy.

Hemos entrenado por dos meses.

Play Hacer > hecho

Play Ver > visto

Play Volver > vuelto

Play Romper > roto

Play Poner > puesto

Play Morir > muerto

Play Abrir > abierto

Play Decir > dicho

Have you (familiar) spoken with Julio?

Have you (familiar) seen Juan today?

Has the mail arrived?

How long have you (formal) lived in Lima?

Has she awakened?

I think I have fallen in love.

I have already told him that.

Here’s the Spanish:

¿Has hablado con Julio?

¿Has visto a Juan hoy?

¿Ha llegado el correo?

¿Cuánto tiempo ha vivido en Lima?

¿Se ha despertado?

Creo que me he enamorado.

Ya le he dicho eso.

I have gone./I had gone.

She has opened the door./She had opened the door.

They have trained./They had trained.

We have studied./We had studied.

He ido./HABÍA ido.

Ella ha abierto la puerta./Ella HABÍA abierto la puerta.

Ellas han entrenado./Ellas HABÍAN entrenado.

Hemos estudiado./HABÍAMOS estudiado.

Why have you (familiar) arrived late?

Jorge had left when she arrived.

You (familiar) haven’t won; I’ve won!

Have you done your homework?

We had saved a lot of money.

Aquí está el español:

¿Por qué has llegado tarde?

Jorge HABÍA salido cuando ella LLEGÓ.

Tú no has ganado; ¡Yo he ganado!

¿Has hecho tu tarea?

HABÍAMOS ahorrado mucho dinero.

I would have learned it./I will have learned it.

She would have played./She will have played.

They would have helped us./They will have helped us.

Would you have gone?/Will you have gone?

We would have told them./We will have told them.

When you say these English sentences out loud, I think you’ll agree that the would have sentences seem more useful than the will have sentences. The same is true in Spanish. Here is the Spanish for the sentences above:

Yo lo habría aprendido./Yo lo habré aprendido.

Ella habría jugado./Ella habrá jugado.

Ellos nos habrían ayudado./Ellos nos habrán ayudado.

¿Habrías ido?/¿Habrás ido?

Nosotros les habríamos dicho./Nosotros les habremos dicho.

Lesson 11 Chapter 4 – Formal Commands

Please eat it.comerPor favor cómalo (usted).
Please believe me.creerPor favor creame (usted).
Run.correrCorra (usted).
Open the door.abrirAbra (usted) la puerta.
Learn it.aprenderApréndalo (usted).
Hide it.esconderEscóndalo (usted).
Enjoy yourself.divertirseDiviértase (usted).
Before introducing Recipe 14, which is designed to help you make formal commands, have you ever heard the phrase, Viva Las Vegas ? I’m sure you have. Well, viva is the formal command of vivir . In using viva as a template, how about giving the formal command for abrir ? It’s abra . See the pattern? What’s the formal command for escribir ? It’s escriba .
formal commands

With negative commands, particles go before the verb. That means, for example, Don’t open it is No la abra Don’t touch me is No me toque Don’t give me it is No me lo dé . This means you have to amend Recipe 14 to the following:

Recipe 14: (no . . . ) Hable . . . – Viva

Ayúdenos. – Help us. = formal command, Recipe 14

Cómalo. – Eat it. = formal command, Recipe 14

No lo coma. – Don’t eat it. = formal command, Recipe 14

Dígame. – Tell me. = formal command, Recipe 14

Ayúdanos. – Help us. = familiar command, Recipe 8

Cómelo. – Eat it. = familiar command, Recipe 8

No comas. – Don’t eat. = familiar negative command, Recipe 14

No hables. – Don’t speak. = familiar negative command, Recipe 14

No me friegues Don’t jerk me around )? 

Don’t leave it here. – No lo deje aquí.

Lesson 11 Chapter 5

cuyo ( whose ).
el que ( that, which, who, whom ).
Bossy Bridge #1: antes que/después que
BB #2: para que = in order that/so that
BB #3: tan pronto como = as soon as
BB #4: hasta que = until
BB #5: con tal que = provided
BB #6: a menos que = unless
BB #7: aunque = even if , cuando = when

Lesson 12

antes quebefore
después queafter
para queso that
tan pronto comoas soon as
así queas soon as
hasta queuntil
con tal queprovided
a menos queunless
aunqueeven if
Bossy Bridges
emotion/doubt/unknown-bossy |Hable – Viva

+bossy |
Recipe 15
————–PAST————-+bossy |

como si |
Recipe 16

Recipe 17: Si HABLARA – VIVIERA, Hablaría

Estoy contento que usted pueda ir.I’m happy that you can go.
Me alegro de que ella venga .I’m happy that she’s coming.
Quiero que usted aprenda inglés.I want you to learn English.
Me disgusto que él no venga .I hate that he’s not coming.
Siento que no esté aquí.I’m sorry she’s not here.
Espero que podamos venir.I hope that we can come.
Dudo que hablen alemán.I doubt they speak German.
emotional start up trigger subjunctive
Me alegro de que ellos viajen por Sudamérica.I’m happy that they are traveling through South America.
Me alegro de que tú estés aquí.I’m happy that you’re here.
No creo que ellas vengan esta noche.I don’t believe that they’re coming tonight.
Ella duda que vivan en México.She doubts that they live in Mexico.
Siento que usted haya estado enfermo.I’m sorry that you have been sick.

Lesson 12 Chapter 2

Is there a man that can help me?

I’m looking for a hotel which isn’t expensive.

I’m sorry that it has occurred.

I know a hotel that is cheap.

Be careful with this last sentence. Is it a Recipe 15 sentence? Here’s the Spanish:

¿Hay un hombre que pueda ayudarme?

Busco un hotel que no sea caro.

Siento que haya ocurrido.

Conozco un hotel que es barato.

Hablaremos después que venga Ignacio.
We’ll speak after Ignacio comes.
Prefiero ir antes que lleguen.
I prefer to go before they arrive.
Vamos a entrar tan pronto como se abran las puertas.
We’ll enter as soon as the doors are opened.
Estoy aprendiendo español para que mi tía me entienda.
I’m learning Spanish so that my aunt understands me.
Te quiero con tal que firmes un acuerdo pre-nupcial.
I’ll love you provided you sign a prenuptial agreement.
No lo compro a menos que usted me dé éste.
I’m not buying it unless you give me this one.
Hablaré con ella tan pronto como llegue.
I’ll speak with her as soon as she arrives.
Voy a estar aquí hasta que me pague.
I’m going to be here until he pays me.
La veré cuando llegue.
I’ll see her when she arrives.
Preferimos este hotel aunque sea barato.
We prefer this hotel even if it’s cheap.

Let’s quickly review Recipes 15 and 16. First of all, when do you use Recipe 15?

When there’s an emotional/doubtful/unknown start up
phrase before the bridge.

When there’s a change of subject.

These two criteria have to be satisfied in order for Recipe 15 to kick in.

When do you use Recipe 16?

When there’s a Bossy Bridge Phrase.

When there’s a change of subject.

Quiero que usted haga el trabajo.
I want you to do the work.
hace changes to haga
Dudo que viva en México.
I doubt that he lives in Mexico.
vive changes to viva
Busco una casa que mi prima pueda comprar.
I’m looking for a house my cousin can buy.
puede changes to pueda
Estaré aquí hasta que venga mi esposa.
I’ll be here until my wife comes.
viene changes to venga

Lesson 12 Chapter 3

Let’s see if you can extract a pattern in looking at the past subjunctive. Notice that all final -er and –ir verbs end in a final –era . Interesting that ser and ir share the same past, FUERA . All final –ar verbs end in a final –ara , except for the last one on the list, ESTUVIERA .

I want you to go with us because there’s a party.
I wanted you to go with us because there was a party.

I’m glad that you’re studying English.
I was glad that you were studying English.

We’re sorry that you have to go.
We were sorry that you had to go.

Compare how you did with what you see below:

Quiero que vayas con nosotros porque hay una fiesta.
QUERÍA que FUERAS con nosotros porque HABÍA una fiesta.

Me alegro de que estudies inglés.

Sentimos que tengas que ir.

Quiero que trabajes aquí hoy.
-I want you to work here today.

Quiero que termines el trabajo hoy.
-I want you to finish the work today.

No quiero que te vayas.
-I don’t want you taking off.

Quiero que te quedes aquí.
-I want you to stay here.

Lesson 12 Chapter 4

Hablas como si yo ESTUVIERA loco.You speak as if I were crazy.
Ellos ACTUABAN como si ya TUVIERA el dinero.They were acting as if I already had the money.
In Spanish, as if is como si , and it triggers the past subjunctive.

If I were you, I’d like to see all the cathedrals.

If he were to offer me the job, I would take it.

If he spoke English, I would understand him.

If she could do it, I would be happy.

If we had gone, I wouldn’t be here now.

Si FUERA tú, me gustaría ver todas las catedrales.
Si me OFRECIERA el puesto, lo tomaría.
Si HABLARA inglés, yo le entendería.
Si PUDIERA hacerlo, estaría contento.
Si HUBIÉRAMOS ido, yo no estaría aquí ahora.
For convenience, let’s call Recipe 17 the if-would subjunctive. In these kinds of sentences, there’s Si – past subjunctive .

Quiero que hable español. = Recipe 15

Ella duda que viva en México. = Recipe 15

Busco una casa que mi prima pueda comprar. = Recipe 15

Estaré aquí hasta que venga mi esposa. = Recipe 15

QUERÍA que TUVIERAS el dinero. = Recipe 16

Recuerdo a Juan como si FUERA ayer. = Recipe 16

Si ESTUDIARA, hablaría mejor en español. = Recipe 17