excuse me, sorry | discúlpame, perdóname |
when he spoke he mentioned your name | cuando hablo menciono tu nombre |
i spoke with her about singing a song for his birthday | hable con ella sobre cantar una cancion para su cumpleanos |
they spoke during meeting | hablaron durante de renuion |
did you speak with my granddaughter (familiar) | hablaste con mi nieta |
we ate outside under the tree | comimos afuera bajo el árbol |
those birds, they ate everything | esos pajaros se lo comieron todo |
i ate more when i was young | comi mas cuando era joven |
she ate fifteen sandwhiches | se comio quince tortas |
i looked for the toy but couldn’t find it | busque el juguete pero no lo encontre |
i took out the carrots and hummus to share | saqué las zanahorias y el hummus para compartir |
i touched the flower and it gave me joy | toqué la flor y me dio alegría |
I explained how to build a house | explique como construir una casa |
i practiced singing the song | practique cantando la cancion |